Communication Methods

William J. Johnston Middle School communicates with parents/caregivers and students in a wide variety of ways to keep everyone updated on information and all school activities. Although some communication necessitates paper, using technology to its fullest potential not only saves our environment but also alleviates the costs and time associated with assembling mailings.

The following is a list of electronic communication methods that WJJMS employs. Links may be followed for methods, many of which are links to the William J. Johnston Middle School website for more information.


  • Colchester Public Schools uses ParentSquare for district and school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian, using their preferred email address and phone number on file with your student’s school. We encourage parents to access their accounts so they can download the mobile app and update their preferences on when and how they are notified.

Monitor Slides

  • Along the Main Street corridor in William J. Johnston, we have a scrolling screen that projects slides of past celebratory highlights, current information, and near future opportunities within our school community for all to view.


  • Naviance is a college and career readiness platform that helps connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals. Students at WJJMS are introduced to Naviance and utilize its workings through Bacon Academy.


  • To create a Parent PowerSchool Portal Account, obtain your WEB ID and Password from the WJJMS office at 860-537-2313. 

  • The PowerSchool Bulletin is a cascading calendar available for students and parents/guardians alike.

Puma Press Broadcasts

  • Live Stream via students
  • Pre-recorded via students 


X (formerly Twitter)

  • X is used to release timely information on a wide variety of topics. Many teams, CPS groups and teachers have twitter accounts as well. Our official X account is:

WJJMS: Mr. Bennett@WJJMS


WJJMS Events Calendar

  • The William J. Johnston Middle School Events Calendar tracks school, club, and community events that occur at WJJMS. WJJMS Events Calendar. The WJJMS Events Calendar also has an export function.