Welcome to William J. Johnston Middle School!

8th Grade end of the year Festivities
Posted on 05/19/2022
8th Grade end of the year Festivities ...
WJJMS Chamber Choir Performs
Posted on 03/11/2022
The WJJMS Chamber Choir recorded a song called One Voice for the BOE Appreciation meeting earlier this week. We hope it brightens your day! ...
Digital Learning Day 2022
Posted on 03/01/2022
February 22, 2022 was Digital Learning Day. Please take a few minutes to explore Digital Tools and work students have been doing in our Colchester Pub ...

With its proud history and rich traditions, William J. Johnston promotes a family-like partnership of students, staff, parents and community.

Should you have any questions or need assistance, please call our office at (860) 537-2313. We will be happy to assist you.

"We create innovative thinkers for a dynamic world."



Principal: Chris Bennett
Assistant Principal: Dr. Stacy Ewings



School Year: Monday through Friday 6:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Summer: Monday through Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and Friday 7 - 1:00 p.m.


Core Values

Be Honest
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe


William J. Johnston

Colchester's World War II Congressional Medal of Honor recipient

On May 19, 1990, Central Middle School was renamed the William J. Johnston Middle School in honor of Colchester's World War II Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, William J. Johnston. Mr. Johnston, a native of Colchester, received the nation's highest award for his conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty, in action against the enemy.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt presented the Medal of Honor to Private First Class Johnston on May 29, 1944. Following his discharge from the Army, Mr. Johnston built a career with the Veteran's Administration as a service officer. He was also a former Selectman of the Town of Colchester and an active member of the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Mr. Johnston's message for the students of Colchester was to "respect each other" and to respect the right to disagree without being disagreeable, to be decent, and to be willing to accept other people's opinions.

Mr. Johnston passed away on May 29, 1990, forty-six years after he received his most prestigious honor.

PBIS Model School

Colchester Public Schools began a partnership with the University of Connecticut in 2005 on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports. William J. Johnston Middle School has been recognized as a Model School in the state of Connecticut! See our Core Values and Matrix

Certified Wildlife Habitat Site

In 2009, the National Wildlife Federation announced that our property, located at 360 Norwich Avenue, Colchester, CT has been recognized as an official Certified Wildlife Habitat site. The property attracts a variety of birds, butterflies, and other wildlife while helping to protect the local environment. With the help of the National Wildlife Federation, many habitat enthusiasts have turned their yards and other garden spaces into enticing wildlife refuges.

The majority of Certified Wildlife Habitat sites represent the personal commitment of individuals and families to provide an important refuge for wildlife near their homes, but NWF has also certified more than 3,300 schools and hundreds of business and community sites. Certified habitats can be found everywhere from restaurants, hospitals, and places of worship to community parks, corporate buildings, and municipal facilities. The average habitat is between 1/3 and 1/2 acre, but certified sites can vary from urban balconies to thousand-acre areas.

Habitat restoration and preservation is critical in urban and suburban settings where commercial and residential development encroaches on natural wildlife areas, limiting the availability of resources wildlife need to survive and thrive. In addition to providing for wildlife, certified habitats conserve our natural resources by reducing or eliminating the need for fertilizers, pesticides and/or irrigation water, which ultimately protects the air, soil, and water throughout our communities.


Connecticut's Red, White, and Blue School Program

WJJMS is proud to be recognized as a Runner Up for the 2023-2024 Outstanding School of the Year for Connecticut's Red, White, and Blue School Award. 

The Red, White & Blue Schools program recognizes K-12 public and private schools that are going above and beyond in their delivery of civic education. By participating in this program, schools are promoting being active and engaged members of their communities.


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