Physical Education

Physical Education Teachers

Tom Curran
Jen Karcich
Steve Petty

"Physical Education is what you learn... the gym is where you learn it!"

The WJJMS P.E. website


William J. Johnston Middle School Physical Education provides a variety of experiences giving students multiple avenues to be successful in the physical realm. Units of instruction range from individual fitness-related activities to traditional team-type sports. Our middle school program will allow students to enter high school with a rich background of experiences to draw on when choosing activities to pursue in greater depth.

Adventure Education

Adventure Education is an instructional approach that incorporates the goals and techniques of Outward Bound and Project Adventure into a school setting. It is designed to develop balance, agility, coordination, and a willingness to try and trust, with a supportive class atmosphere. The project is divided into three areas: Problem-solving Initiatives & Games, Low challenge elements, and a High Ropes Challenge Course. Adventure is incorporated into the PE program in 6th and 8th grade and is an elective for 7th grade.


Students will have the opportunity to focus on topics related to social and emotional health and well-being. Topics will include but are not limited to decision making, how to communicate effectively, understanding and managing their emotions, peer pressure, bullying, goal setting, stress/anxiety management, understanding kindness/compassion/empathy, and interpersonal relationship skills. Students will have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers on related topics. 

Teenagers face many challenges throughout their middle school years physically, emotionally, and socially. To address these challenges, our school community has periodic seminars involving students in discussions related to leading a healthy lifestyle. Topics have included Internet safety, appropriate use of social media, teen relationships, and how to avoid the traps of substance use. These conversations vary by grade and may be held in a variety of settings.