Library Media Center


Michele Lane

The library media program is centered on six foundations, inquire, include, collaborate, curate, explore and grow. Library media lessons are presented within content areas, providing lessons and opportunities for students to increase abilities to think, create, share and grow within each of the foundations. Lessons build in sophistication from grade level to grade level, focusing in on acquiring new knowledge by thinking critically and solving problems, operate in a global society by interacting with and acknowledging the perspective of others, work with others to achieve common goal, collect, organize and share resources, harness curiosity and employ a growth mindset to explore and discover, and follow ethical and legal guidelines while engaging with information. Students work on finding and evaluating information, using information in an ethical way, and following the rights and responsibilities of a digital citizen.

Each one of our Colchester Public Schools has their own Library Media Center website. William J. Johnston Middle School's Library Media Center website!

Mission Statement

The mission of the Colchester Public School District Library Resources and Information Technology Literacy Program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.  The school Library Media Specialist empowers students to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers and ethical users of information by creating a supportive, educational environment, helping students develop the skills they will need for lifelong, independent learning.


Destiny Discover Card Catalog


The Library Media Center is open to students from 7:05 a.m. to 2:25 p.m. Students may use the LMC when there is a staff member present.


Books are circulated for three weeks and can be renewed. Students are encouraged to ask library staff, teachers and peers for book recommendations or view student recommendations online.


Our library is stocked with materials aimed at all interests and reading levels for our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. All students are instructed upon orientation to the school and media center the different genres available as well as how to select age appropriate materials. We encourage students to share their selections with their parents. With this in mind, our teen genre may contain mature topics and language. Please guide your child towards books that you feel are age appropriate.

Of Special Note

The LMC is a place where people and ideas come together through the use of specialized equipment and expert help. We are proud of our media center and of the people who work there. Every effort is made to make the atmosphere comfortable and opportunistic for the students.

Make Time to Read

With the busy lives that students lead, it is more important than ever to help children find a quiet time and comfortable place to engage in a text. Adolescence is a challenging time, and reading can promote an understanding of different cultures, people, places, and situations. In addition to reading at school, it is important to surround children and teens with literature rich opportunities at home.